
This section is divided into several categories, each of which contains two or three examples and a brief description of my philosophy or approach.


You are welcome to choose a category.



There is something in us that makes us unique, some call it personality, some call it aura and others that certain something.
When it comes to portraits, I am concerned about the character expression, which makes us so unique, so to say, the fingerprint that we leave behind.


What is shown in this dialect are my personal experiences from my youth, which are like an almost forgotten dream in me.
I consciously refrain from accessing my technical artistic skills to enter into an intuitive process that allows the viewer to experience the energy in its purest form.


"God has created flora and fauna. Such masterpieces cannot be beaten, but it is our task to try it as an artist."

unknown author


Each artist explains the art in his own way, but in one point everyone agrees:
Art is an energy.
In replications of the old masters, I am concerned above all with the artistic energy that the artist has so immortalized in his masterpieces.
To appreciate the artist and his work, it would not suffice for me to depict only the colors and forms.